
A product review blog? How quaint

It seemed like a fun idea to start a new blog approximately a decade after abandoning my original one. The internet is a very different animal now and I’m interested in sharing very different things. Mainly my opinions about soft pants and hand cream.

It also seemed like a great idea to start a blog celebrating the hobby of light capitalism right when capitalism is really hitting its stride in ruining the world. Sharing personal product reviews is definitely not a fresh new idea, but it sounded like a fun little release and who doesn’t need a fun little release in 2020? I acknowledge it’s a potentially weird endeavor at a squicky time, and yes, the world is literally on fire but we still need good socks. If you, like me, occasionally buy yourself a treat like a new pen or nice chocolate or a fancy candle as a way of just living in the world and getting through it, then here’s a place to discuss.

I guess my point here is: it’s not my goal to try to get you to buy anything. However, if you were already thinking about buying something but trying to decide which thing, then here you go.

Now that we’ve dealt with the looming specter of capitalism, let’s get down to brass tacks and talk about some lip balm.

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  1. Gleemonex

    January 6, 2020 at 3:03 pm

    I am here for this, for all the reasons, and I’m just a *little* verklempt to see you writing again. I’ve missed you, my friend! (BTW, been thinking of firing up Damn Kids again — why the hell not, right?)

    1. sarahbrown

      January 13, 2020 at 8:06 am

      Yes, do it!

  2. greyfavorite

    January 7, 2020 at 2:51 am

    Yaaaay! This is baby elephant level happy.

    1. sarahbrown

      January 13, 2020 at 8:06 am

      Finding it very hard to reply to this without the use of emojis

  3. Dos Boheinde

    January 13, 2020 at 7:49 am

    You’re making me feel 25 again and also this blog is precisely what I (what we all) need right now.

    1. sarahbrown

      January 13, 2020 at 8:09 am

      A return to a more innocent time, before everything was awful and literally on fire

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